E-Form Solution

Common Challenges Faced by FMCG Companies With Traditional Management Methods

Modern, convenient lifestyles demand that people work more actively and efficiently for extended periods. To meet the daily food and beverage needs of busy individuals, the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry must continuously upgrade and develop to meet the growing demand of a rapidly increasing consumer base. Traditional management methods can significantly impact product performance. […]

Technical Knowledge

Monitoring system và triển khai Prometheus & Grafana giám sát Windows Server

Vào một ngày đẹp trời, mình nhận được một yêu cầu từ phía anh Sếp với một nội dung rất đơn giản “giúp anh setup một Monitoring system có khả năng theo dõi, giám sát hệ thống nhằm đánh giá độ ổn định, và cảnh báo sớm khi gặp sự cố”. Khi nhận được yêu cầu mình […]

E-Form Solution

Top Benefits of E-Form Solutions For Factories

Currently, many factories in Vietnam still rely on paper forms and Excel files for data recording, calculation, and storage. This practice incurs significant costs for businesses, including stationery, printing equipment, and labor for data entry.  Furthermore, manual data entry, statistical analysis, calculation, and storage in Excel files reduce the reliability of data accuracy. The emergence […]

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