Technical Knowledge
FASF Energy Management System

FASF Energy Management System

A solution to save energy and optimize sustainable production

Currently, energy issues are always a focus for businesses in their production and business activities. This aims to save energy and optimize the production process towards building a sustainable economy in the future. To achieve this, the application of the Energy Management System (EMS) is extremely necessary. However, not every business can easily apply this system to their working environment due to various internal and external factors, which can create many challenges. Understanding this issue, New Ocean Information System (NOIS) has deployed the energy management system based on the FASF platform (EMS FASF). With its ease of use and high efficiency, EMS FASF has quickly been welcomed by customers! 

FASF Energy Management System
FASF Energy Management System

What is an Energy Management System?

An Energy Management System, or EMS, is a system that includes a network of information gathering, processing, solving, and proposing related to energy issues used on smart electronic devices. EMS performs the function of managing and monitoring the amount of energy consumed, including electricity, water, gas, compressed air, and other energy sources depending on the industry. The core goal of applying this system is to maximize energy savings and achieve optimal production efficiency. 

FASF Energy Management System
FASF Energy Management System

With the economic efficiency that EMS brings, beyond the economic field, the energy management system is applied in many fields and professions. These include: 

  • Manufacturing sector: Production facilities, factories, businesses, industrial parks… 
  • Construction sector: Offices, buildings, private infrastructure, public infrastructure… 
  • Healthcare sector: Medical facilities, hospitals… 
  • Heavy industry group: Mining, chemical production, metallurgy… 

Globally, there are many energy management standards depending on the characteristics of each country, but they still have to ensure the common international standards. Among them, the most popular is the ISO 50001 standard and the Energy Management System (EnMS). This is a set of energy management system standards issued by the ISO organization. 

Main Functions of the Energy Management System

The Energy Management System with the following 6 main functions will help applying entities achieve the desired economic efficiency. At the same time, it contributes to protecting energy resources, the environment, and aiming for a sustainable economy. 




  • EMS measures energy indicators including electricity, water, gas, compressed air, and other energy sources depending on the industry.
  • Conducts data collection and updates the system.
  • Monitors the energy use of machinery, equipment, and staff accordingly, aiming towards saving goals.


  • Controls devices and machinery to operate at standard efficiency while ensuring energy savings.
  • Automatically adjusts devices and machinery in an appropriate environment.
  • Optimizes production processes, minimizing energy waste.


  • Plans and monitors the energy usage process.
  • Manages equipment, machinery, and systems to operate according to set goals.
  • Issues alerts in emergency situations.


  • Analyzes energy consumption and other parameters, providing specific evaluations and analyses on the energy usage situation.
  • Prepares detailed reports daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/annually… depending on the business’s requirements.


  • Performs initial testing, suggestions, and proposals regarding energy saving and production process optimization.
  • Supports operators in making important, long-term decisions for the development of the business based on the actual situation recorded by EMS.


  • A business can use one or more different systems and solutions, EMS can fully coordinate, connect, and support the business to create the most effective operation overall.
  • Beyond the scope of the enterprise, EMS also represents an opportunity to connect new potentials for the business.

The Importance of EMS for Businesses

➡ Energy Saving

One of the first and most important goals of the energy management system is energy saving. With detailed programming to monitor the use of energy sources such as electricity, gas, steam… EMS helps businesses minimize energy consumption, reduce costs, and increase revenue. However, saving must be appropriate to the production situation, saving in the context that the production line still operates normally and not optimizing to cause energy shortages.

FASF Energy Management System
FASF Energy Management System

➡ Production Optimization

Not maintaining machinery and equipment periodically; damage to energy conduits; operational staff making mistakes or the general consciousness of users… there are many reasons leading to energy waste. A standard energy management system will help managers detect these issues in time. It immediately proposes solutions to fix them and continues to be the solutions that help optimize the energy use process towards cost optimization and production process optimization.

➡ Compliance with State Policies

Energy, environmental, and economic issues are always of concern to the state due to the energy shortage and climate change impacts globally. Energy saving not only benefits your business but also plays an extremely important role in the sustainable development of the national economy. Currently, the energy management model being encouraged by the state is the ISO 50001 Energy Management System, published by the International Organization for Standardization in 2011.

➡ Reducing Environmental Impact

Production and economic activities are among the biggest causes of environmental pollution. Wasting energy resources, releasing untreated industrial waste into the environment, and emitting large amounts of greenhouse gases are gradually altering the ecological environment and reaching alarming levels of the greenhouse effect. Saving energy is a contribution to environmental protection. “Use” must always go hand in hand with the process of “healing,” and EMS will help your business do that.

➡ Enhancing Business Competitiveness

In the context of aiming for a sustainable economy and environmental protection, many businesses have proactively applied EMS to their production processes and business operations. The application of EMS helps increase the business’s image value for the environment, which is a good opportunity to enhance the competitiveness of the business. Investing in an energy management system is a precise and long-term investment.

➡ Challenges When Businesses Apply EMS

Despite the many benefits, not every business successfully applies the energy management system. What are the reasons, and are there any solutions to overcome them? Below are the four most common reasons.

➡ Technological Limitations

Technological limitations are a noticeable cause when discussing the application of EMS. The traditional way of working still exists extensively in Vietnamese enterprises, where the vision for technological development is not truly prioritized. EMS is a management system that requires a high external environmental standard. In some businesses with long-operating production lines, collecting input data is very difficult, leading to challenges in achieving the required compatibility level. Without a strong technological system, it would be very difficult for businesses to deploy and operate EMS.

➡ Human Resource Limitations

In addition to technological limitations, human resource constraints are also a significant challenge. In cases where a business does not have high-quality human resources available, it is necessary to either provide additional training or hire new personnel to apply EMS. Some energy management systems have interfaces and operational methods that are very difficult to use, which is truly a challenge. Employees need to be technically trained and supported throughout the initial period. Changing from traditional to modern working methods, whether more or less, employees will face certain difficulties.


➡ Cost

When deciding to implement an EMS, it means your business has had to identify the necessary costs in advance, and of course, these costs are very significant. Below are some basic expenses:

Software cost: the cost of purchasing licenses for the Energy Management System (EMS Software) and some other intermediary software (if needed)

Hardware cost: data collection devices, measurement devices, sensor and control devices, network devices, and smart electronic devices

Employee training cost: the business needs to allocate a budget for training employees on how to use and operate the system

Additionally, there are other costs such as operational costs, regular system maintenance costs (which depend on the policy from the provider), and integration costs (this cost arises in case your business was using other systems before or if the business is part of a business cluster, industrial zone, or another entity).

➡ Compatibility with other systems

The business can use one or more systems in parallel as long as the systems are compatible with each other and do not hinder the business operation process. Some common systems include the Environment Management System (EMS), Production Management, Building Management System (BMS), Data Management System (DMS)… Not all systems are compatible and can be integrated with each other. Therefore, before deciding to apply EMS, thorough compatibility tests and surveys are needed.

From the above challenges, it can be concluded that not every business can successfully implement EMS simply because they want to. Many aspects and resources of the business need to be considered to make the most appropriate final decision. A solution that addresses all the limitations related to technology, resources, costs, and compatibility is the Energy Management System based on the FASF platform (EMS FASF) from New Ocean Information System (NOIS).

How does the FASF Energy Management System operate?

With experience in implementing various business support solutions from management to operation over more than a decade, New Ocean Information System (NOIS) has the capability to develop an energy management solution that fully meets customer needs. The FASF Energy Management System (EMS FASF), based on the Factory Smart Forms & Checklists (FASF) platform, promises to surprise you!

EMS FASF was developed with the goal of addressing the challenges businesses face when approaching modern technology. Therefore, the interface and operation of this solution are very user-friendly. However, to apply EMS FASF in the production process at the factory and in business operations, the following foundational conditions are needed:

  • Clearly identify the energy sources the plant needs to meet production requirements in order to install appropriate equipment. These energy sources include electricity, water, compressed air, gas, steam, thermal energy (coal, natural gas, oil…), renewable energy (solar, wind…)…

  • Energy measurement and sensor devices must be installed, such as temperature sensors, water meters, electricity consumption meters, pressure gauges, compressed air flow meters. Renewable energy often generates energy directly in the form of electricity and heat, so it can also be measured with the above devices.

  • Users’ smart electronic devices must have the FASF platform and EMS FAFS installed.

  • A ready human resources base.





  • Using previously installed measurement devices, EMS FASF collects data on energy consumption in real-time.

  • Each process in the production line may use one or more sources of energy. EMS FASF can control this without overlapping results.

  • Data is filtered and uploaded to the EMS FASF system.


  • Based on the measurement results at different real-time intervals, EMS FASF provides initial assessments of energy usage at the factory.

  • It monitors the operation of machinery and equipment to see how energy has been used. The results can be presented in growth charts, allowing managers to easily follow and grasp the information through their electronic devices.



EMS FASF is programmed to control devices and machinery, recording in detail the energy consumption of each device.


Remote control connectivity allows EMS FASF to automatically adjust machinery and equipment to operate with the goal of energy conservation. It optimizes the production process and minimizes energy waste.



  • To use energy sources efficiently, planning is essential. After determining the amount of energy consumed for a production process, EMS FASF will use this data as a basis and propose an energy usage plan for the next production line.

  • The plan will be implemented with specific times and forecasts of energy consumption after applying energy-saving formulas.

  • At this point, the manager just needs to access EMS FASF installed on their device to monitor the operation process.


  • EMS FASF manages machinery, equipment, production lines, and energy consumption from input, production to consumption, and savings.

  • The manager carries out management tasks through a smart electronic device.



With the large amount of data entered into the system every day, the analysis feature will perform comparisons and calculations to provide the most detailed conclusions about the amount of energy consumed, whether the system is optimized, and identify any issues at any step.


Simply press the report button on the screen interface, select the content fields and the actual time you want to generate a report. Based on the previous analysis results, EMS FASF will quickly produce reports in the form of text, tables, or graphs (depending on user needs).  



Acting as an operations staff and more, EMS FASF has a thorough understanding of the production process and how the factory uses energy sources. Therefore, this solution can easily suggest and recommend effective measures to save energy optimally.


From making suggestions, EMS FASF supports managers in making the final important decisions regarding the development direction of the factory and the company.



User-friendly and developed with expansion in mind, EMS FASF also focuses on the ability to integrate with other systems, forming a complete and efficient operational block for businesses. If your business needs to connect with other systems, NOIS engineers will conduct prior practical research.

The FASF Energy Management System addresses most of the challenges businesses face when starting to implement a technology product. In the coming years, the prospects for the development of EMS FASF are very significant. Let NOIS be your reliable companion in your business’s digital transformation journey!

Comments (2)

  1. Phong Mai
    March 21, 2024

    Energy Management System. Một bước cải tiến của New Ocean

  2. Hiếu
    March 21, 2024

    Nội dung hưu ích

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